Municipal Practice
Our Municipal Law practice involves the representation of New jersey municipalities and municipal boards, in numerous capacities, including as municipal attorney, redevelopment counsel. special labor counsel. litigation counsel and Planning Board attorney. we represent municipal clients at public meetings, prepare resolutions and ordinances. and negotiate collective bargaining agreements. We have also provided winning representatiOn at arbitration and in litigation.
Our experience includes:
- Negotiating and arbitrating collective bargaining agreements
- Successfully defending redevelopment challenges at the trial and appellate levels
- Municipal representation m complex litigation
- Advocacy before the N.J. Public Employment Relations Commission and the N.J. Civil Service Commission
- Securing Tidelands grams and IJCenses for municipal property/amenities.
We are knowledgeable in the numerous statutory schemes applicable to municipal governments, including the New jersey Local Public Contracts Law, the Local Lands and Building Law. the Municipal land Use Law, the Open Public Meetings Act and the Open Public Records Act. Municipal Legal issues presented in a municipal context often involve more than one of these laws. Our knowledge of the nuances and implications of these laws guides our representation of our municipal clients.